Master of Science in Industrial Engineering and Operations Research
This Master programme combines the core disciplines of Industrial Engineering and Operational Research. Industrial Engineering is a branch of engineering that deals with analysing, designing and optimising complex operational systems. The set of the mathematical tools these engineers rely on for designing operational systems is known under the term Operations Research.
The Master programme combines the disciplines of Industrial Engineering and Operations Research into a single study programme. Industrial Engineering (IE) is a branch of engineering that deals with analysing, designing and optimising complex operational systems, with the aim of improving their effectiveness and efficiency, and thus increasing their productivity in a sustainable manner. A unique feature of IE that distinguishes it from other engineering disciplines, is the explicit consideration of the human element as an essential and determining factor in these operational systems.
For designing and managing operational systems, an IE engineer often relies on mathematical models, both deterministic and stochastic in nature, that are then subjected to simulation and optimisation techniques. The whole of these mathematical tools is known under the term Operations Research (OR). They comprise mathematical programming, simulation, search algorithms and heuristics, dynamic programming, queueing theory, decision techniques, statistics, stochastic modelling, network analysis, etc... . The combination of these disciplines forms a crucial branch of engineering for companies worldwide.
Internationally, this specific engineering profile is one of the largest engineering domains that effectively prepares students for taking up leading roles by thoroughly training them in technical principles of the design, planning and control of systems in manufacturing and service industries.
The Faculty of Engineering and Architecture (FEA) offers most of its Master’s Programmes in Engineering in English. This underlines the faculty's international ambition, as well as the importance of international education and multiple language skills for students.
For whom
The admission requirements vary. Depending on your prior education, you are either able to enrol directly, or there are additional requirements.
The programme consists of a general module, main subject modules, elective courses, and a master dissertation.
The general module contains 38 credits of courses that cover the core competences of Industrial Engineering and Operations Research. Students then choose among two main subject modules, with 30 credits of specialist courses in either the domain of Manufacturing & Supply Chain or Transport & Mobility.
By means of 28 ECTS-credits worth of elective course units, students can further deepen and/or broaden their knowledge and skills in both technical and non-technical subjects. As part of the electives, students can obtain a minor in either Artificial Intelligence or Automotive Production Engineering, two domains closely related to Industrial Engineering and Operations Research.
The Master's Dissertation covers the final 24 ECTS-credits of the two-year programme.
Labour Market
Many companies, both small and large, are eager to recruit IEOR engineers. They mainly work on the design and continuous improvement of systems that manufacture products and serve customers and are often also involved in the design of new products and services. IEOR engineers are not only found in industry but also in many organisational systems of society such as government, health care and hospitals, public service, law enforcement, transport and traffic systems, etc....
Notable examples of what IEOR has to offer in today’s society can be found on the website of the Institute of Industrial Engineering (IIE) which is the international professional organisation of engineers in this discipline.
Quality Assurance
At Ghent University, we strive to educate people who dare to think about the challenges of tomorrow. For that purpose, we provide education that is embedded in six strategic objectives: Think Broadly, Keep Researching, Cultivate Talent, Contribute, Extend Horizons, Opt for Quality.
Ghent University continuously focuses on quality assurance and quality culture. The Ghent University's quality assurance system offers information on each study programme’s unique selling points, and on its strengths and weaknesses with regard to quality assurance.
More information:
Unique Selling Points
- This is a broad engineering programme in which various aspects that are important in a business context are combined, i.e., scientific, technological, economical, organisational, and human factors. This master’s engineers are excellently prepared to face concrete challenges, to solve problems, and to take the lead in companies and organisations to strive for “operational excellence”.
- This engineering profile is much wanted in the business world resulting in many job opportunities in very diverse companies and sectors. The programme is also much appreciated by the students themselves.
- The programme strikes a balance between academic, research-related competences and professional, hands-on competences. Most teachers have close contacts with the business world, through their experience in national and international projects in cooperation with industry and/or based on their affiliation with e.g. Flanders Make or imec. During their classes and assignments, they share both their hands-on experience and their relevant research findings.
- Students have a certain freedom of choice to compose their study programme according to their interests. They can choose to subscribe to a mix of technical, managerial and social elective course units; they can select the subject of their master’s dissertation; and they can opt to subscribe to an (international) apprenticeship.
- Student association ORLean joins the students in various extracurricular activities, such as company visits, meetings with alumni, talks from industry representatives, etc. and helps the students to establish networks in doing so.
- In many course units, we offer assignments and group work in which students need to test and apply theory to practical cases. This gives students an immediate relevant business experience.
- Our programme takes an active part in the development of new, active teaching methods in which conventional lectures make way for more student-centred methods. Various course units are switching over to forms of blended learning and online learning combined with Q&A, independent project work, and feedback sessions.
- Students become acquainted with state-of-the-art software tools and packages for various applications, such as data processing and management, optimisation, statistics, simulation, automatization and operations management (Entreprise Resource Planning).
- In addition to the formal student representation in the Programme Committee, we also keep our finger to the pulse by means of more informal consultations. We believe that this brigdes the distance between students and lecturers, and facilitates facilitates quick and open discussion of potential problems.
- The programme’s development and implementation is evaluated by the business world by means of the advisory board, whose members hold key positions in both large cooperations and innovative SMEs across different industries and application domains.
- We are attending to a better distribution of the project work across the different course units to avoid coinciding deadlines or taking up time allotted to other course units (that have no project work).
- Many students conduct their Master’s dissertation in a business context and in so doing, they gain their first hands-on experience. In theory, this is a a positive trend. In some cases, however, this is detrimental to the scientific-academic quality of their work. We will monitor this closely by means of e.g. programme feedback.
- Since there is no specific preparatory Bachelor of Industrial Engineering and Operations Research (prospective) students are still insufficiently acquainted with our Master’s programme. We intend to draw the attention of (prospective) students and companies to our specific profile and branding by participating in information sessions and graduate fairs. In addition to these measures, we also strive to organize our own Bachelor’s programme in due course.
Tailored coaching programme: As stipulated in the quality improvement plan, the study programme in liaison with the faculty and the Education Department, is set to eliminate the weaknesses within a reasonable time frame. The study programme delivers regular progress reports to the Education Quality Board.
This study programme is accredited by the Accreditation Organisation of the Netherlands and Flanders (Dutch: NVAO). Accreditation was extended following the positive outcome of the institutional review in 2022. Programme quality was validated by a quality review, i.e. a screening of the Education Monitor by the Education Quality Board. The Quality Assurance Resolution (in Dutch) can be found here.
This information was last updated on 14/02/2023.
In case of questions or suggestions with regard to the publicly available information, please contact the study programme.