Bachelor of Science in Engineering: Architecture

An architect not only possesses a talent for design and engineering but should also have an aptitude for the socio-cultural and architectural-scientific dimension of their work. After all, architecture does not stand isolated from life and society in which it occurs. Architecture shapes the environment, while at the same time manifesting itself within that environment.

Bachelor's Programme
3 year 180 credits
Faculty of Engineering and Architecture
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Off to a good start
Postgraduate studies


First and foremost, our programme offers a solid practical training, architectural design methods and presentation techniques, supplemented with a basic knowledge of urban design. You will be made acquainted with, and gain insight into the constructional and technical principles of building. You will learn the significance and social importance of architecture and urban design nourished by historical and architectural theoretical knowledge and reflection. You will learn to conduct and present design-oriented and academic research. And last but not least, you will get to know the architect’s professional practice. With its rich learning environment, our study programme offers you the time, the means and the possibilities to deepen or become proficient in one of the specific aspects of the field, depending on your own abilities and interests.

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To be able to enrol in the Bachelor of Engineering: Architecture programme, you must have taken the benchmark test.

For whom

Architects must possess a wide range of qualities. There is technical and design talent as well as social-cultural and architectural-academic talent. Studying Architecture means choosing a broad intellectual study programme. It also means having a broad interest in the various aspects and especially in their mutual relationships.
In terms of prior education, a secondary school diploma with at least 6 hours/week of mathematics in its curriculum is particularly welcome. The first-year mathematics course units build upon a secondary school curriculum containing 6 hours/week of mathematics in the two senior years. Prior knowledge for physics is useful as well, but it is less decisive than mathematics. The design studios make up the artistic component of the study programme. A great interest in design and aesthetics, and the motivation to learn are specific conditions for success. Please note that design is part of the study programme’s bedrock. Simply being good at the basic science course units and architectural-scientific course units will not suffice. A good architect possesses the unique combination of both talents.

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  • Bachelor

The Bachelor’s programme offers a common curriculum for all students. It contains three cornerstones: architectural design, engineering and fundamental sciences course units, and architectural sciences. You are introduced to architectural design practice, and to the design process through specific design practicals. In the design-related course units (Design Theory, Studio Perception and Presentation Media, Digital Design) you will learn to think and communicate about your own work in words and images, and to choose the appropriate means and presentation techniques to do so. In the engineering course units you are introduced to the construction and technical principles of building. The mathematics and physics course units will give you the necessary scientific footing. In addition, we also focus on the social importance of architecture and urban planning.

  • Master

The Master’s curriculum allows for the development of your own specific profile. Each of our students comes into contact with a broad variety of disciplines, all of which are part of the cultural, spatial and technical field of architecture. We confront you with complex social issues, which are impossible to tackle from a monodisciplinary perspective but demand a multiperspectivistic approach instead. In addition, you will choose from a set of design studios focusing on the city, on architecture, the interior or construction details. These design studios are taught by specialists from the Flemish architectural scene, each of whom have their own unique vision.

In the Master’s curriculum, traditional lectures increasingly make way for seminars with a focus on specific themes or issues. Our electives consist for a large part of ‘special issues’. These give you the opportunity to participate in the ongoing research of our lecturers. The Master's dissertation offers the opportunity of an in-depth study of a specific field of knowledge, ranging from building physics, architectural history, to urbanisation processes and architectural design. Your choice of topic is always settled in close consultation with one of our lecturers.

The seminars as well as the Master's dissertation contain highly interactive teaching methods. They garner close interaction between students, lecturers, and researchers. After completing the Architecture programme (the Bachelor’s and/or the Master’s programme), you might consider the Urbanism and Spatial Planning programme. It focuses on the interrelation between space and society, and how policy can impact this interrelation.

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Labour Market

Our graduates are professionally active in a wide variety of sectors. After the work placement, some of them set up their own architectural practice, either individually or in group. Other graduates find employment in government services, where they help set the scene for future building and planning. Others choose a career as stability or technical installations engineer, project manager, energy expert or safety co-ordinator. The study programme also opens up professional perspectives for those who want to focus on advanced visualization techniques or data processing necessary in construction and planning processes. 

Be sure to take a look at the following alumni testimonies

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