Master of Science in Chemical Engineering

By taking the Master of Science in Chemical Engineering you will learn how to implement a chemical reaction at a large scale. Circularity, sustainability, safety and the environment, e.g., the optimal usage of the energy required in a chemical production process, are key aspects. Graduates find jobs in the chemical industry which is very well represented in Belgium, as well as in scientific research and public services.

EUR-ACE® Master + CTI

EUR-ACE® Master (EURopean ACcredited Engineering Master)

The EUR-ACE label was accredited to this programme by the Commission des titres d’ingénieur (CTI), under the auspices of the European Network for Accreditation of Engineering Education (ENAEE).

EUR-ACE® is a framework and accreditation system that provides a set of standards that identifies high-quality engineering degree programmes in Europe and abroad.

Master's Programme
2 year 120 credits
Faculty of Engineering and Architecture
download brochure 
About the programme
Programme summary
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Off to a good start
After graduation

Open Days

Each spring there is a Graduation Fair. It consists of a job fair (with more than 200 different companies) and a postgrad/master fair.

For some programmes, there is a specific Open Day. If this is the case, you will find the date here (at the latest Feb 15th).

MsC Chemical Engineering

Monday 31 March 2025
at 12:00

vergaderzaal Chauvin, gebouw 125 campus Ardoyen, Zwijnaarde

Masters burgerlijk ingenieur

Thursday 24 April 2025
from 17:00 to 19:00

Campus UFO, Ufo, Sint-Pietersnieuwstraat 33, 9000 Gent

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