Master of Science in Industrial Engineering and Operations Research (Manufacturing and Supply Chain Engineering)

This Master's programme combines the core disciplines of Industrial Engineering and Operational Research. Industrial Engineering is a branch of engineering that deals with analysing, designing and optimising complex operational systems. The set of the mathematical tools these engineers rely on for designing operational systems is known under the term Operations Research.

EUR-ACE® Master + CTI

EUR-ACE® Master (EURopean ACcredited Engineering Master)

The EUR-ACE label was accredited to this programme by the Commission des titres d’ingénieur (CTI), under the auspices of the European Network for Accreditation of Engineering Education (ENAEE).

EUR-ACE® is a framework and accreditation system that provides a set of standards that identifies high-quality engineering degree programmes in Europe and abroad.

Master's Programme
2 year 120 credits
Faculty of Engineering and Architecture
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About the programme
Programme summary
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The Master’s programme combines the disciplines of Industrial Engineering and Operations Research into a single study programme.

Industrial Engineering (IE) is the engineering discipline that deals with analysing, designing, and optimising complex operational systems, with the aim of improving their effectiveness and efficiency, and thus increasing their productivity in a sustainable manner. A unique feature of IE is the consideration of the human element as a crucial factor in these systems.

Operations Research (OR) is the discipline that studies mathematical models, both deterministic and stochastic, and a wide range of simulation and optimisation techniques. For an IE engineer, these OR tools are essential in designing and managing operational systems.

The combination of Industrial Engineering and Operations Research thus creates an engineering profile that can play a key role in various industries. Students choose from two main subject modules, 'Manufacturing and Supply Chain Engineering' or 'Transport and Mobility Engineering'. Some pertinent application disciplines include Industry 5.0, connected robotics, sustainable smart cities. The IE/OR programme effectively prepares students for taking up leading roles in manufacturing and service industries worldwide, by thoroughly training them in technical principles of the design, planning and control of systems.


The Faculty of Engineering and Architecture (FEA) offers most of its Master’s Programmes in Engineering in English. This underlines the faculty's international ambition, as well as the importance of international education and multiple language skills for students.

For whom

The admission requirements vary. Depending on your prior education, you are either able to enrol directly, or there are additional requirements.


The programme consists of a general module, main subject modules, elective course units, and a Master's dissertation. The general module contains thirty-six credits worth of course units that cover the core competencies of Industrial Engineering and Operations Research.

The main subject module contains thirty credits of specialist course units in a specific application domain. The Manufacturing & Supply Chain Engineering main subject focuses on analysing, optimising, and designing systems in production and logistics, e.g., from the detailed time and methods study of an operator at a semi-automated workstation in a plastic recycling facility to the strategic network study of a global automotive supply chain of vehicles assembled in Belgium using components sourced from three different continents.

Through thirty credits of electives, students can further deepen and/or broaden their knowledge and skills in technical and non-technical subjects. As part of the electives, students can obtain a minor in either Artificial Intelligence or Automotive Production Engineering, two domains closely related to Industrial Engineering and Operations Research.

In the Master’s Dissertation, covering the final twenty-four credits of the two-year programme, students conduct academic research using OR tools to tackle challenging IE problems in manufacturing, supply chain, transport or mobility.

Labour Market

Companies in all branches of industry, public services, and scientific research are eager to recruit IE/OR engineers. They have the skills to lead the continuous day-to-day improvement of systems that create products and services, but also to innovate and develop new products and services. IE/OR engineers are typically recruited as production manager, business analyst, project manager, supply chain consultant, etc. and they usually grow into senior technically specialised roles, or management positions quickly.