Exchange Programme in Psychology
This exchange programme is developed in the context of a faculty that is ranked amongst the top 100 of research institutions in the world. Students will work together with key staff that is able to fully exploit the teaching-research nexus and bring you up-to-date as to founding knowledge, state-of-the-art competences, while developing a inquisitive mind in a culturally diverse setting.
About the programme
Programme summary
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Off to a good start
After graduation
Though seperate lists of English language subjects are available, exchange student have the possibility to mix courses of all programs to develop their curriculum. This allows for developing a rich and diverse learning experience. Take care, courses are at bachelor or master level. Consider your prior knowledge when opting for the specialized courses. Proof of English language mastery level is required; prior to starting the courses. Be reassured, you get in touch with top researchers taking care of your educational experience in our faculty.
You will need to compose a programme of approximately 30 ECTS-credits per semester, with a minimum of 27 ECTS-credits per semester.
It might be interesting to consult the course catalogue of other faculties at Ghent University.