Master of Science in Chemistry (Materials and Nano Chemistry)

We owe a great part of our quality of life to the development of sciences, and chemistry in particular. Its influence spans numerous different branches, such as medicine, biology, agriculture, etc. The impact of chemistry is also omnipresent in the industrial world. Almost every branch of industry is confronted with chemistry at some level: in the production process, in quality control, in product improvement, waste processing …

Our students choose one of three main subjects: Materials and Nanochemistry, (Bio)Organic and Polymer Chemistry, Analytical and Environmental Chemistry.

Master's Programme
2 year 120 credits
Faculty of Sciences
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About the programme
Programme summary
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Off to a good start
After graduation

Open Days

Each spring there is a Graduation Fair. It consists of a job fair (with more than 200 different companies) and a postgrad/master fair.

For some programmes, there is a specific Open Day. If this is the case, you will find the date here (at the latest Feb 15th).