Master of Science in Sociology
Sociology's basic assumption is that human behaviour and human characteristics are to a certain degree determined by society. The study programme investigates how that works. We deal with a broad scale of subdisciplines and offer our students the change to personalize their curriculum by means of a number of specialist modules.
Why are some people poor while others are rich? What causes some people to commit crimes? Why did people in days of old believe that the world in which they lived was "possessed" by supernatural powers, and why have we stopped believing that? These are only a few examples of questions to which sociology attempts to find answers. Sociology's basic assumption is that human behaviour - e.g. committing a crime - or human characteristics - being rich or poor - is to a certain degree determined by society. Our study programme's main purpose is to explain the underlying societal mechanisms. Sociology studies society's structure and culture. Structure refers to the different positions poeple take (e.g. the difference between haves and havenots, or the difference between men and women). Culture refers to people's ideas and values. A second step involves studying two processess that support how society functions: institutionalization, or setting up standard procedures of human behaviour (e.g. regulating procreation through the institution of marriage) and socialization, or teaching those procedures to each new generation. These insights are applied to a number of sociological subdisciplines like e.g. social inequity, social change, crime, religion, family, gender, etnicity, health, education, public participation in arts, etc... .
The Master of Sociology at Ghent University consists of three cornerstones: a broad and solid sociological education, awareness of peripheral fields of study, and a focus on knowledge and skills, including the close connection between the two. This trinity allows our graduates to become polyvalent experts.
We offer a Dutch-taught as well as an English-taught Master's programme.
For whom
The admission requirements vary. Depending on your prior education, you are either able to enrol directly, or there are additional requirements.
At Ghent University, we have chosen for a broad and general academic study programme. In the Bachelor's programme you are given the opportunity to personalize your curriculum by means of the elective courses. By chosing a major in the Master's programme, you specialize in a specific subdiscipline: health and social deomography, culture and education, or political sociology. Additional elective course units offer an opportunity to either confirm a sociological content choice, or to immerse yourself into policy or organisational matters. The Erasmus major is an opportunity for studying abroad, at another European university. In the Master's programme, you hone the knowledge and skills acquired in the Bachelor's programme. You will learn to refine your ability to think and act academically. Knowledge and application of theories and methods are further perfected. Multidisciplinarity and an international line of approach are important.
We realize this objective by accentuating three important elements:
the subdisciplines of sociology are put to the fore. The most recent developments in specific subdisciplines are linked to research that is conducted at our department, e.g. sociology of health, the study of risk behaviour, social demography and the study of migration and integration, research on culture and eduction. During your Master's programme, you are required to make an original contribution to the further development of sociology. For that reason, the Master's dissertation is a crucial element in your curriculum.
Unique to our approach at Ghent University, is a continued focus on strengthening methodological skills with a specific practice-oriented lab for specialized academics. We realize this by means of the course unit Advanced Quantitative Techniques.
The smaller student groups in the Master's programme allow for innovative teaching methods: debating sessions, interaction with (international) guest speakers and work field representatives, interviews and participative observation, work sessions 'academic writing' and 'presentation techniques' under intensive supervision, ...
The Master's programme offers the opportunity to study abroad. One possibility, among others, is the Erasmus+ programme. For more information, join one of our information sessions or contact the Faculty Internationalization Committee.
In addition to the (domain) master described above, you can also choose a Master's Programme in Teaching (in Dutch: Educatieve Master). For more information, go to
Labour Market
Graduated sociologists are in great demand for their understanding of society, their research skills, their project-based way of acting, and their communication skills. An education in sociology teaches you to gain insight into social phenomena and to manage sociological problems, so that you are well-prepared for the independent execution of academic projects commissioned by a university, the government or a research department. In addition, as a sociologist you are also well-prepared to design, implement and manage actions for social change, as a policy advisor or non-profit organization staff.
An education in sociology also yields benefits in more co-ordinating positions, when managing departments and projects within organizations (e.g. human resources). Finally, you can apply the skills you have been taught to interpret and explain social phenomena and sociological problems as a journalist or teacher.
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Quality Assurance
At Ghent University, we strive to educate people who dare to think about the challenges of tomorrow. For that purpose, we provide education that is embedded in six strategic objectives: Think Broadly, Keep Researching, Cultivate Talent, Contribute, Extend Horizons, Opt for Quality.
Ghent University continuously focuses on quality assurance and quality culture. The Ghent University's quality assurance system offers information on each study programme’s unique selling points, and on its strengths and weaknesses with regard to quality assurance.
More information:
Unique Selling Points
- Understanding society in the 21st century: in our study programme you will learn to understand the challenges of today’s world: diversity, migration and integration, gender issues, social inequity and education performance, depression and well-being, cultural exclusion, conflict and development in the Global South, globalization, citizenship and social participation.
- We run a hands-on programme in which you learn to look past commonplace explanations. By means of the practical research skills you acquire, you become a specialist in analysing society in a complex and nuanced manner. Our programme features quantitative as well as qualitative research.
- In the context of Community Service Learning, we take our students beyond the walls of traditional lecturing halls. Various course units, research assignments and the work placement offer opportunities for gaining practical experience as a professional sociologist.
- Our graduates face a variety of career perspectives thanks to a combination of analytical understanding and research skills. They find employment as researchers or world changers in e.g. a university context, the government sector or civil society.
- Multiperspectivism: while sociology is our core business, our in-depth course units also have room for interdisciplinarity. We combine sociological insights with educational, psychological, biological, socio-demographical insights, as well as insights from political studies, public administration, cultural studies, health sciences ….
- The Sociology programme is relatively small-scale. This has clear advantages in terms of group sizes, sociability, and of course increased interactivity.
- Some of the active teaching methods included in our curriculum are writing exercises, conducting research in group, microteaching, presentations, debates, … It’s a hard day’s work!
- Talent development and feedback: our small-sized class groups and active teaching methods can count on continuous support from our lecturers and teaching assistants.
- Knowledge creation: our curriculum boasts strong ties between research and education, and teaches our students how to create new academic knowledge.
- Approachability: being a small-scale programme, we place great store by immediate and intensive personal contact between our lecturers, teaching assistants, and our students.
- Labour market entry: our students are in high demand on the labour market but are not always sure what their assets are. We want to remedy this with a ‘career trajectory’ for our Master’s students.
- We want our students to feel more involved in our day-to-day programme management. Student involvement results in enthusiasm and participation, and crucially, also results in timely action if necessary. Our programme has student representatives, whose existence merits further promotion.
This study programme is accredited by the Accreditation Organization of the Netherlands and Flanders (Dutch: NVAO). Accreditation was extended following the positive outcome of the institutional review in 2022. Programme quality was validated by a quality review, i.e. a screening of the Education Monitor by the Education Quality Board. The Quality Assurance Resolution (in Dutch) can be found here.
This information was last updated on 26/01/2023.
In case of questions or suggestions with regard to the publicly available information, please contact the study programme.