Postgraduate Studies Sexology

The postgraduate sexology offers a post-master training to clinical psychologists, orthopedagogues, and medical doctors currently active in clinical practice (mental health care and related fields). The training is thé place to acquire and develop the theory and practice of clinical sexology and sex therapy, building upon your existing skills and knowledge in your current clinical field.

Postgraduate Studies
2 year 40 credits
Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences
Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences
About the programme
Programme summary
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Off to a good start
After graduation


The postgraduate sexology is a 2-year post-master training organised by The GHALL and Dunant Academy. This training is aimed at care providers clinically active in mental health care and related fields to, building on existing skills and knowledge, acquire and develop the theory and practice of clinical sexology and sex therapy. Evidence-based clinical practice is an important goal, integrating critical reflection of research literature, the own clinical experience and the person/positionality of the sexologist/sex therapist.

For whom

The admission requirements depend on your prior education (type of degree, country of issue etc.) or additional experience.