European Master of Science in Nuclear Fusion and Engineering Physics
The studies in nuclear fusion and engineering physics aim at training the next generation of physicists and engineers in the field of magnetic confinement fusion for clean and safe energy supply. The programme offers high-level education supported by world-class fusion laboratories and fusion industry. With students residing at two universities in two different countries, the programme also provides a well-integrated cultural experience.
With its broad network of universities and research institutes, the European Master of Science in Nuclear Fusion and Engineering Physics (FUSION-EP), provides high-level, multinational education in fusion-related engineering physics. The curriculum resonates closely with the research activities of the partners and recent developments in the field, offering a culturally diverse and academically engaging study experience.
The Nuclear Fusion and Engineering Physics programme is devoted to the technical applications of physical theory and strongly supported by the research and development activities at the different laboratories and industries within the consortium. By combining the practical concepts of a degree in engineering with the essentials of education as an engineering physicist, the programme delivers engineers capable of performing, advancing and leading technical and scientific research in research institutes as well as (fusion) industry.
The curriculum’s engineering component familiarises the engineering physicist with the analysis, design and optimisation of new and existing systems, products, machines, materials and more, for which simplification to manageable system descriptions (from rules of thumb to expert systems) is essential. Although the various methods and applications are treated in the context of the technology of fusion devices, their relevance far exceeds the domain of nuclear fusion. In the physics component, the reductionist approach takes centre stage: by means of experiments and mathematical modelling we seek to break down physical phenomena taking place in the plasma and in its interaction with its surroundings, to their very essence, and to discover the applicable physical laws. A rigorous attitude is essential, as any physics theory should stand a validation by experiment.
While part of the learning contents in the curriculum are intentionally kept relatively broad, students can also choose one of two study tracks: Fusion Science or Fusion Engineering. These tracks allow students to specialize according to their personal interests by means of a broad set of electives.
For whom
The admission requirements vary. Depending on your prior education, you are either able to enrol directly, or there are additional requirements.
The two-year FUSION-EP programme comprises four terms. The study programme as a whole has to amount to 120 credits and fulfil certain mobility requirements. These requirements ensure a master’s programme with a strong common standard and maximum flexibility, to accommodate students with different interests, language knowledge and background. Having chosen a study track (Fusion Science or Fusion Engineering), each student resides during the first master year at a university where the chosen track is offered. In the second year, the student moves to another university in a different country, still according to the chosen track.
As part of the mobility, all students meet each other on two fixed occasions in the course of their two-year programme, i.e. the annual Summer Event. Students attend this event as first-year students and then again as second-year and graduating students when they defend their master’s dissertation. In addition, in the second year all students participate in two intensive lab training sessions, each two weeks long: the Joint Experimentation and Analysis session at the Institute for Plasma Physics in Prague and a Winter Event for all students near the ITER site at Cadarache, France.
Finally, in the second year students carry out an original piece of research for their master dissertation (24 credits). During several months, they collaborate with experts at the forefront of fusion R&D on a topic of their choice. The range of topics is very broad, thanks to our large network of universities, research institutes and industries.
Labour Market
Physics engineers are trained, first and foremost, for R&D purposes. Their broad education makes them fit for employment at all companies and research establishments where interdisciplinary R&D requires in-depth knowledge of physics. They will constitute a substantial percentage of the large number of additional researchers required for the establishment of the EU as one of the main centres of excellence in the world. The curriculum’s engineering and physics components especially qualify the physics engineer to take up executive positions at a later stage of their careers.
A significant number of our graduates chooses to deepen their training in the field of nuclear fusion by pursuing a PhD degree and possibly a career as researcher or engineer in fusion R&D. The EU Fusion programme is at the forefront of international fusion research and engineering. Moreover, fusion research is entering a new, exciting phase with the ongoing construction of ITER, the worldwide preparation for demonstration power plants and the nascent fusion industry. This is accompanied by a gradual shift of the emphasis of fusion activities from plasma physics to engineering and technology. There is also a growing need for competencies on nuclear project-related issues such as project management, nuclear licensing, quality assurance, risk assessment, and management of procurement processes, as well as a tendency towards stronger collaboration with the industry. Finally, private investment in fusion R&D is currently booming, with (start-up) companies all over the world pursuing their own, accelerated tracks towards the development of fusion energy.
Quality Assurance
At Ghent University, we strive to educate people who dare to think about the challenges of tomorrow. For that purpose, we provide education that is embedded in six strategic objectives: Think Broadly, Keep Researching, Cultivate Talent, Contribute, Extend Horizons, Opt for Quality.
Ghent University continuously focuses on quality assurance and quality culture. The Ghent University's quality assurance system offers information on each study programme’s unique selling points, and on its strengths and weaknesses with regard to quality assurance.
More information:
Ghent University's Education Objectives
Unique Selling Points
- Internationality: As only international master in the fusion area in Europe, we provide students with a high-level education in the field, in a multicultural environment, supported by the main actors of the nuclear fusion domain. Nuclear fusion is an international research domain by excellence.
- Networking: We provide opportunities to the students to develop their network in the fusion scene. The students can forge long lasting bonds with their peers, they get to know and will be known by the major actors in the field.
- Theory and practice: Via ‘joint sessions’ at research institutes, the programme offers realistic work environments, where students can combine their acquired theoretical knowledge with practical experience.
- Programme: The course programme makes extensive use of the specific competences of all our partners. The theses are at the forefront of the research.
- Talent development: As a student, you have a certain freedom of choice to compose your curriculum to your own interests. You may choose between two study tracks, depending on your domain of interest: Fusion Science or Fusion Engineering, and from a broad range of elective courses.
- International and multicultural profile: Students study in two countries, can choose between 7 universities and are able to follow labs, courses and events at varying locations. The teaching staff is international and the students are attracted from all over the world.
- Networking: Students build up a strong international network, both with fellow students and leading international researchers.
- Preparation to working life: We prepare students, via practical work in realistic environments, to the real life as a researcher in fusion science and engineering.
- Quality recognition: This European master is highly regarded in the fusion domain. A large fraction of the students continue for a PhD, which shows the international recognition for this unique programme. Many continue on their way to leading positions at universities, research institutes or industry.
- Complementarity: The programme partners (research institutions and universities) offer diverse and complementary course packages and research facilities.
- Administrative challenges: Due to the number of partners and the various countries of origin of the students, the administrative workload can be significant, both for the students (e.g. related to visa requirements) and the universities/research institutions involved (e.g. for the organisation of joint sessions).
- Cost control: The programme has additional costs due to the foreseen student mobility, which requires extra financing and attention to budget control. Students can apply for a grant to fund their mobility. In addition, limited financial resources can be attracted to partly support students who are not able to obtain a grant.
- Monitoring: The programme is aware that to maintain the coherence of the programme across the partners continuous attention is required.
This study programme is accredited by the Accreditation Organization of the Netherlands and Flanders (in Dutch: NVAO). Accreditation was extended following the positive outcome of the institutional review in 2022. A renewed accreditation by the Commission des Titres d'Ingénieur in 2022 supplied the study programme with the EUR-ACE Master Label.
This information was last updated on 14/02/2023.
In case of questions or suggestions with regard to the publicly available information, please contact the study programme.