International Master of Science in Rural Development

The joint International Master of Science in Rural Development (IMRD) offers the opportunity to study European visions on rural development and rural economics in their diversity of approaches and applications, and to make comparative analyses of EU and non-EU agricultural and rural development strategies and agricultural policies. The objective is to train students from European and non-European countries, from developed, developing and transition countries to become specialists in Integrated Rural Development with focus on socio-economic and institutional aspects.

Master's Programme
2 year 120 credits
Faculty of Bioscience Engineering
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About the programme
Programme summary
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Off to a good start
After graduation

Application Deadline (for International degree students)

More information on programme specific application procedures and deadlines for both Belgian and international students.


Information on enrolment at Ghent University.

Enrolling institution(s)

  • University of Cordoba
  • Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra
  • Ghent University
  • University of Pisa

Organising institutions

This course is jointly organised by:
  • Ghent University
    Sint-Pietersnieuwstraat 25
    9000 Gent (Belgium)
  • Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
    Unter den Linden 6
    10099 Berlin (Germany)
  • University of Cordoba
    Avd. Medina Azahara 5
    14071 Córdoba (Spain)
  • Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra
    Tr. A. Hlinku 2
    949 76 Nitra (Slovakia)
  • University of Pisa
    Lungarno Pacinotti 43
    56126 Pisa (Italy)
  • L'Institut Agro Rennes-Angers - École nationale supérieure des sciences agronomiques, agroalimentaires, horticoles et du paysage
    rue de Saint-Brieuc 65
    35042 Rennes (France)

Information regarding the Joint Organisation of the Study Programme


The joint International MSc in Rural Development (IMRD) offers the opportunity to study international visions on Rural Development in their diversity of approaches and applications, and to make comparative analyses of EU and non-EU Agricultural and Rural Development strategies and policies. IMRD is amongst others supported by the E+ Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree programme, and the Bilateral Cooperation programme ICI-ECP, both of the European Union. The objective is to train both European and non-European students from developed, developing and transition countries to become specialists in Integrated Rural Development with a focus on socio-economic and institutional aspects. This is done through a 2 year Master programme jointly organized by five European leading institutes in Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, in strong collaboration with several universities from China, Ecuador, India South Africa, South Korea, the United States, and Viet Nam. Together these partner universities form an international consortium. Organised by this Network of Institutes of Excellence, the International MSc in Rural Development builds on excellent competencies in the area of Rural Development, strong links with the professional world and extensive experience in joint training programmes for foreign students.


The study programme can be accomplished through either of three alternative learning paths. Two of them, the Erasmus Mundus and the EKAFREE learning paths count with the financial support of the European Union who provides student scholarships for these paths. The third path called ATLANTIS, is organised on a self-funding base.


For students taking the Erasmus Mundus joint degree learning path, the Masters programme is organised by the IMRD-consortium, consisting of the following diploma issuing partner universities: Universiteit Gent (Ghent University, Belgium), Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (Germany), AGROCAMPUS OUEST (Rennes, France), Università di Pisa (University of Pisa, Italy), the Slovenská pol’nohospodárska univerzita v Nitre (Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra, Slovakia) and Universidad de Cordoba (Spain), and the following collaborating partner institutes: University of Pretoria (South Africa), University of Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore (India), Escuela Superior Politécnica del Litoral, Guayaquil (Ecuador), Nanjing Agricultural University (China) and China Agricultural University, Beijing (China), The Can Tho University (Viet Nam), and the University of Arkansas (USA). Students accomplishing this learning path are awarded the IMRD joint degree: Master of Science in Rural Development.
The organisation and the awarding of the joint diplomas by the partner universities are in line with article II.171and II.151 of the Higher Education Code dated October 11th 2013, ratified by the Decree dated December 20th 2013. For these students, the Masters programme is organised within the framework of Erasmus Mundus, based on the framework agreement nr. 2015-1700/001-001 for Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree Degrees under the Erasmus+: Higher Education framework. Modalities of collaboration within the IMRD consortium are stated in the inter-university Agreement concerning the interuniversity programme titled IMRD- Erasmus Mundus: International Master of Science in Rural Development organised within the Framework of the Erasmus Mundus Masters Course.


For students taking the double degree EKAFREE learning path, the Masters programme is organised by the IMRD consortium’s diploma issuing universities (Ghent University (Belgium), Humboldt University of Berlin (Germany), AGROCAMPUS OUEST (France), University of Pisa (Italy), Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra (Slovakia)), Universidad de Cordoba (Spain), and the members of the South Korean IMAFRE Consortium: Goryeo Daehakgyo (Korea University, Seoul), Seoul Daehakgyo (Seoul National University, Seoul), and the Chungbuk Daehakgyo (Chungbuk National University, Cheongju-si). Students accomplishing this learning path are awarded both the IMRD joint degree, and the title of Master of Arts in Economics, issued by the Korean university they have attended.
The organisation and the awarding of the joint diplomas by the partner universities are in line with articles II.151, II.171 and II 172§2 of the Higher Education Code dated October 11th 2013, ratified by the Decree dated December 20th 2013. For these students, the Masters programme is organised within the framework of ICI-ECP Bilateral Cooperation programme, based on the framework agreement nr. 2014-1999/001-001.
The modalities of collaboration between all partner universities are stated in the Memorandum of Agreement: EU-Korea Agricultural, Food and Resource Economics Experts Building Project Double Degree Consortium. Developed within the Framework created by the EU-South Korean Industrialised Countries Instrument Cooperation Programme for Cooperation in Higher Education and Training. Ghent University coordinates the Erasmus Mundus learning path of the study programme, and the EKAFREE part of the study programme on behalf of the European partner universities; it is also charged with the production of the (joint) diplomas. Korea University coordinates the EKAFREE learning path on behalf of the South Korean partner universities.


For students taking the double degree ATLANTIS learning path, the Masters programme is organised by the IMRD consortium’s diploma issuing universities (Ghent University (Belgium), Humboldt University of Berlin (Germany), AGROCAMPUS OUEST (France), University of Pisa (Italy), Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra (Slovakia)), Universidad de Cordoba (Spain), and the University of Arkansas (USA). Students accomplishing this learning path are awarded both the IMRD joint degree and the title of Master of Science in Agricultural Economics, issued by the University of Arkansas.
The organisation and the awarding of the joint diplomas by the partner universities are in line with articles II.151, II.171 and II 172§2 of the Higher Education Code dated October 11th 2013, ratified by the Decree dated December 20th 2013.

As to the ATLANTIS learning path, these modalities of collaboration are stated in the Memorandum of Agreement: Rural Development and Agricultural Economics Double Degree Consortium.


More information regarding the programme, content, mobility, scholarships, tuition fees, partner institutions etc. can be found on the website (IMRD), (ATLANTIS), and (EKAFREE), or by contacting the partner institutes.

Tuition Fee

More information on tuition fees.

More information about scholarship opportunities.

Costs of studying

From June 1st, you will find an overview here of the study materials and additional costs (besides tuition fees) for this programme. We try to provide the most accurate overview, but variations are always possible. For interuniversity or international programmes, we are not able to give an overview of the costs.

Programme contact

Ghent University
Faculty of Bioscience Engineering
International Training Centre
Coupure Links 653
9000 Gent

Learning path counsellor
Mevr. Isabelle Vantornhout