Master of Science in Maritime Science
The Maritime Science programme is a globally unique multidisciplinary programme aimed at students from diverse academic backgrounds who possess a common interest in the maritime world and its evolutions. Via a three-pillar structure (technical-general, economic-logistic, legal), students are taught everything they need to know for a successful career in the dynamic maritime sector.
The Master of Science in Maritime Science is a globally unique multidisciplinary programme comprising three core components (technical-general, economic-logistic, legal). This inter-university programme (co-organized with VUB) is aimed at a diverse audience with a common interest in the maritime world. During the programme, students gain an in-depth knowledge of the legal aspects of maritime transport, its economic character, the challenges of maritime logistics, the workings of infrastructure and facilities in ports and aboard ships as well as contemporary problems and evolutions of the maritime sector. Due to the global nature of the maritime sector, all courses possess a European and an international dimension.
The programme benefits from a teaching staff consisting of experts in their respective fields with international exposure and experience and has strong links to the professional maritime sector. These provide students not only with a strong academic and theoretic foundation but also with information on the actual operations and common practices on the ground, which helps to prepare them for a professional career in the maritime world. This preparation is further enhanced by the many company visits undertaken throughout the year as well as multi-day study trips to London and Rotterdam. All of these are fully integrated into the curriculum.
As a highly international environment, English is the dominant language in the maritime sector and thus, all courses are naturally English-taught. It is therefore essential that students are able to use the English terminology in a correct and efficient way.
For whom
The admission requirements depend on your prior education (type of degree, country of issue etc.) or additional experience.
The curriculum consists of a logical, uncluttered framework of compulsory courses (39 credits), a limited number of elective courses (6 credits) and a Master’s dissertation (15 credits). The compulsory courses represent the core of the study programme, while the elective courses offer the students the possibility to choose which (professional) direction they want to go, according to their personal interests and ambition, and allow for specialisation in a certain aspect of the maritime world. The three components are represented in both categories. The Master’s dissertation is a written essay on a maritime or transport-oriented topic, by means of which the student proves they can analyse a specific topic thoroughly and individually and write their findings down in a structured and coherent manner. The student clarifies and defends the Master’s dissertation in an oral presentation.
The curriculum’s legal component aims at fostering in-depth knowledge of the International Laws of the Sea, maritime law and transport law. The economic-logistic component aims at familiarising the students with the unique economic character of maritime transport, which is a global phenomenon with very specific dynamics. It is therefore crucial that students know the economic principles governing and affecting port authorities, shipping companies and transport firms. The technical-general component comprises the essential principles of port technology (basic knowledge of the typical technical infrastructure and facilities in ports) and ship technology (basic knowledge of the scientific and technical principles that govern ships), as well as the tackling contemporary problems and evolutions ports and the maritime sector might encounter (insight into contemporary spatial, economic and political issues that determine investment and infrastructure policy in ports and the wider maritime sector).
Labour Market
The Master’s degree in Maritime Science opens a wide range of possibilities in the legal world, the maritime sector, the transport sector, the insurance sector, government bodies, international organisations … Because of the strong links with the professional maritime sector and the practically oriented course units, graduates are well-prepared for a successful career and are able to fill an existing need in the maritime sector.
Quality Assurance
At Ghent University, we strive to educate people who dare to think about the challenges of tomorrow. For that purpose, we provide education that is embedded in six strategic objectives: Think Broadly, Keep Researching, Cultivate Talent, Contribute, Extend Horizons, Opt for Quality.
Ghent University continuously focuses on quality assurance and quality culture. The Ghent University's quality assurance system offers information on each study programme’s unique selling points, and on its strengths and weaknesses with regard to quality assurance.
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Unique Selling Points
- Multidisciplinary nature: by building around the three fundamental pillars of maritime science (technical, economic/logistic and legal), the Master Maritime Science takes on a holistic approach and duly distinguishes itself as the only truly multidisciplinary study programme of its kind in the global academic landscape. It provides for advanced education that is both broad (covering all relevant fields and disciplines) and thorough (offering in-depth knowledge and specific skills). Due to this multidisciplinary nature, the study programme is open to master students from diverse academic backgrounds.
- Linking theory to practice: via the field trips, the practically oriented teaching methods and the perspectives shared by carefully selected guest professors, the Master Maritime Science transcends mere academic teaching and offers a perfect blend between theory and practice, further developing the skills, versatility and mindset of our students. In our study programme, students are not only trained as maritime experts, but are also cultivated into entrepreneurs, critical thinkers, effective communicators and team players, all of which are assets that are highly valued on the job market.
- Interaction with the industry: another characteristic that makes the Master Maritime Science unique, is the extensive interaction with the maritime and port industry. The study programme continually strives to strengthen the link between the students and the professional field through the company visits and study trips, the deployment of guest professors who are active in the industry, the hosting of networking events, the involvement of professional experts in the master thesis, and the promotion of internships.
- Unique experience in tight-knit groups: the Master Maritime Science offers a unique experience in a number of ways. Aside from its multidisciplinary programme, the academic activities are complemented with international study trips, company visits and various extracurricular activities, resulting in an extraordinary learning experience. Furthermore, the relatively small class sizes help foster tight-knit groups of students, who remain in touch with the study programme and each other long after their studies have ended. Classmates become friends in the blink of an eye, and through annual networking events for alumni, the bond with and between our graduates is maintained. Furthermore, situated in the heart of Europe and surrounded by some of the biggest and busiest ports in the world, the beautiful historic city of Ghent provides the perfect scenery and an ideal base of operations for anyone with maritime aspirations
- Focus on diversity and sustainability: as is the case for the global maritime industry, the Master Maritime Science has a strong international profile and is taught entirely in English. This inherently international profile attracts a great diversity of students, both in terms of nationality and in terms of academic background. Stimulated through the multidisciplinary curriculum and mutual exchanges, students therefore learn to approach cases and issues from various angles and perspectives, providing them with an enhanced understanding of the challenges and dynamics of the maritime world. Fully in accordance with Ghent University’s motto “Dare to think”, the Master Maritime Science places particular emphasis on critical thinking, pluralism and respect for diversity. Furthermore, the study programme also focuses on sustainability in its functioning and courses, as witnessed by the attention for energy transition and environmental protection throughout the curriculum, which are vital themes in the current maritime sector.
- A teaching staff full of expertise and experience: the programme’s teaching staff consists of tenured professors with international exposure who have developed specific expertise in different fields of academia, as well as guest professors who are prominent figures in the maritime industry and are able to share a wealth of professional experience and wisdom. This combination of academic knowledge and professional expertise makes for a perfect mix.
- Outstanding quality control: the Master Maritime Science attaches great importance to quality assurance and is known to act swiftly and decisively when potential improvements present themselves. In order to detect issues or opportunities, the study programme actively engages with its students and alumni via meetings and surveys. Furthermore, the Maritime Science Advisory Board, consisting of a balanced group of stakeholders, also provides advice on the curriculum, teaching methods, learning outcomes, evaluation policy and proposed actions of the study programme, ensuring a permanent feedback loop and strengthening the relevance of the Master Maritime Science in the academic and professional landscape.
- Personal approach and flexibility: the compact coordinating team of the Master Maritime Science offers a very personal approach, with attention to the specific situation and needs of each student. Easily approachable and going the extra mile to provide assistance where needed, our team is sure to provide every student with the best experience possible. The study programme also accommodates working students, who enjoy ample flexibility and are able to design tailor-made curriculums spread over multiple academic years.
- Ideal preparation for a professional career: results of alumni surveys have shown that almost all of our graduates are employed in various branches of the maritime and port industry around the globe, demonstrating the ability of the Master Maritime Science to serve as an ideal stepping stone for a professional career. The study programme stimulates this through study visits and participation in relevant job fairs, as well as through the promotion of internships and the organization of an annual networking event involving maritime professionals.
- Drawing on excellent research: the Master Maritime Science draws on the excellent research being conducted at the renowned Maritime Institute of Ghent University, which boasts an impressive international track record of research output and harbours a wide range of maritime expertise.
- Promoting entrepreneurship and social engagement more effectively.
- Ensuring smoother administrative co-ordination between both partner universities.
- Ensuring involvement of maritime professionals and promoting short-term internships in the context of the master dissertation on a more structural basis.
This study programme is accredited by the Accreditation Organisation of the Netherlands and Flanders (Dutch: NVAO). Accreditation was extended following the positive outcome of the institutional review in 2022. Programme quality was validated by a quality review, i.e. a screening of the Education Monitor by the Education Quality Board. The resulting Quality Assurance Resolution (in Dutch) can be found here.
This information was last updated on 25/02/2025.
In case of questions or suggestions with regard to the publicly available information, please contact the study programme.