International Master of Science in Biomedical Engineering
Biomedical Engineering is a broad multidisciplinary area, involving many sub-specialisations, varying from regenerative medicine to implant design and from PET-scan imaging to biosensors. A consortium of 6 universities has joined their knowledge and expertise. At least two universities have to be chosen, allowing the student a maximum freedom to create a master's programme tailored to his/her interest.
Application Deadline (for International degree students)
The international master has a specific application procedure.
Enrolling institution(s)
RWTH Aachen University
Czech Technical University in Prague
University of Groningen
Ghent University
Trinity College Dublin
Organising institutions
Ghent UniversitySint-Pietersnieuwstraat 259000 Gent (Belgium)
RWTH Aachen UniversityTemplergraben 5552056 Aachen (Germany)
Trinity College DublinCollege Greennull Dublin 2 (Ireland)
University of Groningen9700 AB Groningen
Czech Technical University in PragueZikova 4166 36 Praha 6 (Czech Republic)
Vrije Universiteit BrusselPleinlaan 21050 Elsene (Belgium)
The International Master of Science in Biomedical Engineering is a two year master’s programme jointly offered by Universiteit Gent (Belgium), Vrije Universiteit Brussel (Belgium), University of Groningen (the Netherlands), RWTH Aachen University (Germany), Trinity College Dublin (Ireland) and Czech Technical University of Prague (Czech Republic). It is in line with articles II.151, II.171, and II.172§2 of the Higher Education Code dated October 11th 2013, ratified by the Decree of December 20th 2013. This Master’s programme is organised within the framework of Erasmus Mundus, based on the framework partnership agreement nr. 2010-0143/001 for Erasmus Mundus Master’s courses between the European Union and Universiteit Gent. After successful completion of this programme, each student is awarded two degrees on separate diploma documents, in accordance with article 94§2 of the abovementioned decree: one by each partner institution at which the student took part of the programme. Ghent University and Vrije Universiteit Brussel, in this respect acting as one partner institution, jointly award the degree of ‘International Master of Science in Biomedical Engineering’. Modalities of collaboration are stated in the Consortium Agreement – Common European Master’s Course in Biomedical Engineering (CEMACUBE). University of Groningen co-ordinates the master’s programme. Additional information pertaining to the education system in each of the participating countries can be obtained from the respective partner universities.
Tuition Fee
Separate amounts and procedures apply. Payment upon enrolment is rare but mostly settled between the programme coordinators.
Application for enrolment is directly through the secretariat of the programme. For programme specific information, please contact the programme directly.
Programme contact
Ghent University
Faculty of Engineering and Architecture
Opleidingscommissie Biomedische ingenieurstechnieken
Prof. Patrick Segers
De Pintelaan 185
9000 Gent