International Master of Science in Marine Biological Resources (Applied Marine Ecology and Conservation )

This master covers a wide, yet consistent, range of subjects related to the sustainable use of marine biological resources. With an emphasis on marine biological and ecological processes, the programme links biology of marine organisms and environmental studies with subjects in marine policy and planning.

Master's Programme
2 year 120 credits
Faculty of Sciences
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About the programme
Programme summary
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Off to a good start
After graduation


Enrolling institution(s)

  • Université de Brest (Université de Bretagne Occidentale)
  • University of Algarve
  • University of the Basque Country
  • University of Bergen
  • Ghent University
  • Università Politecnica delle Marche
  • University Pierre et Marie Curie (UPMC)
  • University of Oviedo
  • Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology

Organising institutions

This course is jointly organised by:
  • Ghent University
    Sint-Pietersnieuwstraat 25
    9000 Gent (Belgium)
  • Università Politecnica delle Marche
    P.zza Roma 22
    60121 Ancona (Italy)
  • University of Bergen
    5020 Bergen (Norway)
  • Université de Brest (Université de Bretagne Occidentale)
    Rue des Archives 808
    29285 Brest (France)
  • University of Algarve
    Campus de Gambelas -
    8000-004 Faro (Portugal)
  • Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology
    Dublin Road 0
    null Galway (Ireland)
  • University of the Basque Country
    Barrio Sarriena -
    48940 Leioa (Spain)
  • University of Oviedo
    Calle Catedrático Rodrigo Uría -
    33007 Oviedo (Spain)
  • Sorbonne Université
    Place Jussieu 4
    75252 PARIS Cedex 05 (France)

Tuition Fee

More information:

Programme contact

dr. Tim Deprez
Prof. dr Ann Vanreusel
T +32 (0)9 264 85 26
