Postgraduate in Poultry Health Sciences (Asia)

The postgraduate course in Poultry Health Sciences offers a unique opportunity to study in-depth the different aspects of poultry health sciences. It aims at bridging the gap between theoretical and applied knowledge by equipping current and future professionals with knowlegde, skills and understanding to adress global and local challenges in future poultry production.

Postgraduate Studies
3 year 30 credits
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
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About the programme
Programme summary
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Off to a good start
After graduation


Information on enrolment at Ghent University.

Tuition Fee

More information on tuition fees.

Costs of studying

From June 1st, you will find an overview here of the study materials and additional costs (besides tuition fees) for this programme. We try to provide the most accurate overview, but variations are always possible. For interuniversity or international programmes, we are not able to give an overview of the costs.

Report not available

Contact (for international degree students)

Ghent University - Faculty of Veterinary Medicine

Prof dr Gunther Antonissen
T +32 9 264 74 86