Postgraduate Curatorial Studies

The programme prepares for the management of contemporary exhibition practice of both private and public collections and offers the knowledge needed to function efficiently in galleries or as artists’ assistants.

Postgraduate Studies
48 credits
Faculty of Arts and Philosophy
download brochure 
About the programme
Programme summary
Find out more
Off to a good start
After graduation

Application Deadline (for International degree students)

All candidates first complete the pre registration before filling in the online application form that will be sent by mail.


Information on enrolment at Ghent University.

Enrolling institution(s)

  • University College Ghent

Organising institutions

This course is jointly organised by:
  • Ghent University
    Sint-Pietersnieuwstraat 25
    9000 Gent (Belgium)
  • University College Ghent
    Geraard de Duivelstraat 5
    9000 Gent (Belgium)

Tuition Fee

More information on tuition fees.

Costs of studying

From June 1st, you will find an overview here of the study materials and additional costs (besides tuition fees) for this programme. We try to provide the most accurate overview, but variations are always possible. For interuniversity or international programmes, we are not able to give an overview of the costs.

Programme contact

Course director: Laura Herman
HoGent, School of Arts - KASK
Jozef Kluyskensstraat 2, 9000 Gent